Don’t let posture and stiffness limit you; open up your shoulders.
Our posture is usually not happy with our sedentary lifestyle where we mostly sit and work at a desk. After time our posture rounds forward. Nowadays Even if we do any type of exercise, for on average 1 hour per day, the reality is that we live a sedentary life.
A great simple exercise to stretch your upper body is the broomstick shoulder stretch..
You will be amazed with the results, even in one month after you started. Your posture will improve, you will walk and look more straight while significantly improve your upper body performance at the gym (more weight more range of motion).
In the beginning you can have a limited range of motion, but stick to it to make progress and enjoy the benefit of healthy mobility.
We will be happy to hear from your results.
Broomstick stretch
- Stand with your feet at shoulder-width, pointing your toes out. Hold a broomstick in front of you.
- Brace your core, then lift the broomstick above your head in an arc motion. Slowly move the pole behind you, focusing the stretch in the shoulders.
Keep the arms completely straight throughout. - Hold the stretch, then slowly return to the starting position.
Repeat this stretch for about 20 times.
Place broomstick in an area of your house where you can see it (for example next to your door). Every time you have time take the broomstick and perform the stretch 10 times.
A towel works too
If you do not have a broomstick, take a large towel. It has the same purpose as the stick.
Elastic band
If you cannot bring a broomstick or a towel over your head, use an elastic band. You can expand it even during the movement to compensate your disadvantages and make the desired movement in the shoulder joints.
When working with a band becomes simple, narrow your grip. After some time switch to the towel or a broomstick.
Can you move a stick or a towel over your head to the bottom of your back? Try and share with us your experiences.
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